About this Blog

This blog is my attempt, as the Supervisory Officer responsible for School Effectiveness and Early Years, to put our Superior-Greenstone DSB Conditions for Learning into practice.  Moving the Monday Morning Memo (MMM), a communication tool that has been in place for the past six years, to an electronic format. Collectively the leadership team will reap the benefits; less clogging of our Inboxes and a format that can be easily revisited (so no more lost files!). Most importantly however, this is an opportunity to have the Thought of the Week become interactive…to have my thinking responded to and hopefully challenged, by others; thus allowing me to grow in my thinking (assessment for learning at its best).  This is modelling the learning that we know needs to define our education system at all levels of the organization.

Who am I?  An Ontario educator who is truly passionate about leading and learning – or learning leaders.  My portfolio is one that is grounded in achieving excellence for every member of our organization who sees themselves as a leader – for students, teachers, leaders, and parents.  It includes the Early Years, School Effectiveness, Elementary Programs and…the list could go on and on!  I know that I have an amazing role in our district – one that has me continuously learning, growing, practicing and leading improvement.  This blog is my new risk…combining those passions with the need to grow as a member of the online community.  Let’s see where this journey takes us (as I hope you come along!).



4 responses

  1. I am impressed by your risk taking – though I shouldn’t be, in my experience you have always practiced what you preached. I am going to take this opportunity to build my capacity around accessing blogs and really interacting with the group in this online format. Thank you for pushing my comfort zone, I know we’ll learn well together.


    1. Absolutely! Join me! It is an interesting experience as I am always now questioning if my thinking is clear! Thanks for reading and responding Jody!


  2. aconnectedlearner | Reply

    Your risk taking has inspired me. I am currently taking Principals course part 2 and we are being encouraged to be risk takers in the area of using and prompting digital learning tools. I am also a huge fan of Growth Mindset and appreciate all the resource you have offered in your blog. My next step as a Digitally Connected Learner is to create a blog based on that particular theme. Thanks for the inspiration!!
    Shana Farquhar

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    1. Hi Shana! Thank you for sharing your thinking with me on this site!! I am looking forward to accessing your blog as Growth Mindset is complex work and more learning is always welcome. I have to admit, I have had to look at my time and, although writing this blog has been one of my joys and has provided me with an opportunity to both consolidate and to share my thinking, I have stopped writing in this forum! However when I receive comments such as yours, I tend to get excited again, especially with the realization that modelling digital tools is crucial! Practice what we preach!! Hope to learn from and with you in the future. Nicole

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