Self-Assessment of School Learning Plan

Leading the Learning                    Focusing Our Work

If Monitoring is the work…and the School Learning Plan (SLP) outlines the work…

  • Does your SLP have enough information to allow you to truly monitor the work?
  • Does it include what the learning looks like and sounds like (success criteria) at this point in time?  That was CO-CONSTRUCTED with staff – so that they own it?  (if not, the process is fundamentally challenged from the outset!)

I have been reviewing your School Learning Plans (some are still missing!) and want to encourage you to take the time to use the Requirements for School Learning Plans (attached) to conduct a self assessment. Pay particular attention to the components that you might be missing, and to the nature of your success criteria. Remember, co-constructing the success criteria offers a baseline of understanding, and then is evidence of your learning over time as you enhance it and finally, provides the District Support Team with precise evidence that they are monitoring when they visit.  This stage is CRITICAL to the success of the learning journey; without it, the target is never clear.

Below is a possible example/model for you to reflect on – this might be the beginning stages of a SLP so this would be the result of tapping into teachers’ initial knowledge  – I haven’t given the student impact but that would be the next step to co-construct. This would be what we would expect to see in the  “Examples of Observable Actions – We are Practicing….” section of your SLP (it isn’t perfect but you will get the specificity that I am expecting to see)

Success Criteria for Multi-Step Multi Strand Math

Remember, success criteria answers the questions:


  • What does it look like when we do this well?
  • What will we see/hear when we have learned to____?
  • How do we capture our criteria so that it allows us to measure a degree of effectiveness?

What are your next steps to move the learning of your staff to this level of specificity?  Without this clear target, your work this year will be challenges as we know that this is necessary in order to stay focused, and to measure impact!


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